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Math is the buzz word in Alexandra township


I am just uploading photos into a photo album in Picasa of one of our projects in Alexandra Township where ORT SA is running a Math project for Foundation Phase teachers.  This four years project which commenced in 2007 and is funded by Bidvest, targets Math skills and knowledge of teachers as well as provision of learning materials (Math textbooks and learners’ workbooks) and classroom based support. 

Four years may sound like a long- time for a project to run. And yet, here we are on our third year already and feeling very connected to the people in Alexandra and committed to make a success story of this township.

Looking at the photos, you will see the beautiful little faces reflecting the innocence of a child, yet hiding the hardship these children are facing on a daily basis (poverty, poor living conditions, hunger, HIV/AIDS, abuse, and more). The smiley eyes send us hope and confidence in us adults.

And us, at ORT SA, as an NGO specializing in Math education linked to World ORT’s cutting edge technology, we have the obligation to change the status of Mathematics in the community of Alexandra.

We can do it! We must!  After all these children are our future.

Books that affected your life

Biology of belief

Biology of belief


I have been feeding my soul this past two weeks reading the most wonderful books picked up at my book club. The most recent book I am currently reading eat, pray love by Elizabeth Gilbert which describes the life changing journey the author has gone through, made me think. You guessed it… about life, but also about the different things that happens in our life that affects the way we think, eat, feel, treat our fellow friends etc.

Inspired by the “food for thoughts”  comprises of eight books so far (you can share my book list on my LinkedIn) and spending time in the most exquisite place on earth very close to the tip of the African continent, I have come to think about books that have affected my life.  The idea for the post came by as I would have loved to know from you what books have changed you! So please leave a comment, can’t wait to read it!

I have cut my list short:

1.       1984 by George Orwell

I read 1984 as a kid in 1980 and I will never forget how all seemed so futuristic and intriguing. I couldn’t wait for 1984 to finally arrive. But yet who would have believed that the “big brother” will turn into a reality show in the 21st century?

2.       The journey of souls by Michael Newton

My own spiritual journey has commenced thanks to this book. Dr. Michael Newton a psychiatrist, specializing in hypnotherapy is sharing sessions of hypnotherapy cases as he reveals to himself and the readers all about past life, reincarnation etc.  Interview 

 3.       The Biology of belief by Bruce Lipton

Prof. Bruce Lipton a Cell biologist professor who through exploring the cell revealed the link between mind and matter and proves in real science how holistic health therapies work.

4.       The fast food nation by Eric Schlosser

The book and the movie have changed the eating habits in our household. The fastest food we will get closer to may be Italian or Indian mostly vegetarian.

5.       How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This book has changed not only how I listen and talk to my kids but to everyone. It has definitely made me a better mother and a better person. The advice and insight in the book helps dealing with many issues in relationships in a very practical way.

Journey of the souls

Journey of the souls